Understanding Yoga Fitness


Even if you are not a normal practitioner of yoga but you will quite possibly discover that understanding its basic background will give you a decent context around why you are practicing yoga fitness and what you are doing. By understanding that yoga is not just physical positions but also a full lifestyle you will come to appreciate its total wellness rewards.

No 1 really knows who initially developed yoga except for the truth that it seemed to have originated somewhere in the Indus Valley regions of Northern India. References to yoga 1st appeared in both archaeological and written references about 3000 to 5000 years ago. The initial compilation of yoga practices seems to have appeared about 2200 years ago with the publication of a book referred to as the 'Yoga Sutras' by Patanjali.

The Yoga Sutras are a compilation of 196 principles about the practice and philosophy of yoga that are meant to be memorized and incorporated into one's lifestyle. These principles have develop into to be recognized as the foundation of Raja Yoga - often referred to as Royal Yoga with a main focus on the mind by taming the body and enhancing the spirit.

The Raja Yoga discipline as described in the sutras is divided into eight steps - otherwise known as the eight 'limbs'. Every step focuses on aspects about life style, purity, body, breathing and meditation. Here is a high level description of every:

1. Yama - abstentions for living virtuously such as truth, non-violence and continence
2. Niyama - observances and disciplines for mind and body
3. Asana - bodily postures for meditation
4. Pranayama - regulated breath and control of the life force
five. Pratyahara - sensory withdrawal of the mind from the physical world
6. Dharana - meditative concentration on an object - knowing you are meditating
7. Dhyana - meditation with no consciousness of the act of meditation
8. Samadhi - enlightenment

As you in all probability noticed modern day yoga as it is commonly practiced at this time is heavily influenced by actions three and 4 - Asana and Pranayama. Most modern yoga fitness programs are related to the practices of Hatha Yoga which is a system of physical purification to assist the meditative effects of steps five via nine. This program is comprised of a big number of bodily postures designed to develop balance, poise and strength.

The mainstream instruction of yoga consists of a large number of body positions and breathing exercises that have been identified to be very helpful to personal properly being, fitness and wellness. Practiced over time yoga can turn out to be a path to improving anyone's life style. By combining this practice with the further Raja 'limbs' yoga can lead you an enlightened life alter.

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